What’s New In Product Management


When you pivot into a new career there is a lot of preparation that you need to do ahead of time. You have to be at the top of the game when entering into this new field. Pivoting into technology comes with its added issues on top of that because of how fast the technology world is changing. As someone pivoting into product management within technology, not only do you have to have a full grasp on what was previously going on in the space but additionally, you have to predict and have a view on what’s to come.

Below are my outlooks on what is up and coming within the product management space.

  1. The Effects of Covid —

No matter how long Covid is around for, it’s going to have lasting affects on how we work. A lot more products are going to have to be made virtual and a lot more jobs are going to need to incorporate a virtual audience. That means taking products that already exist and making them virtual focused. It also means products that are launching to have this be incorporated into their strategy from the start. This could provide massive growth for startups or delays if their original vision doesn’t match the Covid world. And it also means continuously changing those visions as we move through these upcoming phases of life with Covid.

2. Hyper-personalization —

Have you ever felt that you said something aloud and now your phone is showing you ads for it? Well I think the same hyper-personalization that is occurring in the advertisement space is going to make it’s way to product management. Creating an individual experience is going to be the next step in a lot of future products and therefore a lot of companies are going to need their product managers to create this customization for their clients quick and scalable.

3. The Growth of Product Management —

Given how many people are flocking to product management, this will also come with its own development on the product management career path as well as the tools being made for them. Product managers work with the business, engineers, and clients. Being able to combine those gives them an eye into what we need to more efficiently work better. For this reason, it is likely to see a growth in products that allow tracking, forecasting, as well as multitools that bring different groups together.

4. Pairing Down —

Leading up to now, we have wanted to add more and more for our clients. And as much as that will probably never go away, I think it will fall more into the category of mixing and matching. Breaking down the essential qualities of a product and rather than adding to that product specifically, selling a secondary product that works well with the original product and can be combined is more likely the new road we are aiming down. You are able to charge your prices easier as well as creating more clean and sleek products for your customers.

The world of product management and the world of technology are always changing. So it is important to keep your eyes open for trends and see where the world is headed. Who knows — 2022 might look a whole lot different.

